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Sculpture installation
Capestrano, Italy

Made with abbandoned books found on site, Rinascita (Rebirth in Italian) tells the rich history of Capestrano’s people and nature. After a devistating earthquake much of the region was abandonned and taken over again my nature. This installtion project invited the local community to rebuild their personal, environmenal and cultural story. The sculpture shows the harmonious relationship between the people and nature. The rings represent the many people that participated in the project and also tell the story of Capestrano’s past, the roots however reach up and climb towards a new future.

The community of Capestrano was invited to participate in the creation of the work. Each participate brought personal books and actual stories about the village that were shared together while constructing in the abandoned school.

Cera Una Volta

A book sculpture created based on my experience within the land in the region and the personal connections that the community has to the nature present.


A performance about the rain that helps rebirth the land of Capestrano.

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