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A filmed performance video, a choerography created based on the story of folding an origami and metamorphoses into a butterfly, performed within the installation Papillionideaescence- a forest linstallation within a time capsule made entirely out of the white page, for the viewer to write our story for the future of our natural world. At night the forest reveals the magic of the butterfly perspective- the colors of ultraviolet light hidden from the human eye. 
Music by Yasmine Medour
Galerie Fernand Leger

Performance for La Nuit des Forets

A performance based on the monarch butterfly metamorphosis. The performance has been presented at the Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature in Paris, National Sawdust in New York, and during the exhibition LAPS in Verdun. 

From her work Solar System Portrait, the artist creates a polyphonic lecture of the solar system. She associates each planet with a different language to orchestrate an ensemble of sounds like a cosmic symphonie. 
Paris, 2015

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