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Monumental installation for the Olympiad Cultural Program, Paris 2024 Olympic Games
Philharmonie de Paris + Inspired By KM, the association of Kylian Mbappé 
All recycled materials (paper, instruments, natural elements)
15m (h) x 80m (l)

Symfolia is a monumental art installation created by the artist Rachel Marks with the support of the Philharmonie de Paris and the Inspired by KM association. As part of the Cultural Olympiad, the work is exhibited at the Cité de la Musique from June 1 to September 8, 2024. A grandiose tree in the universal language of is music entirely created from recycled books and music scores donated by the public. Symfolia celebrates the diversity of our culture and civilization in relationship to nature.

The installation reveals the history of our humanity, with five rings that links the landscapes and traditions of each continent of the world with a family of musical instruments. These aligned trunks are part of the same tree: the roots, our origins that bring us together, with tree shoots growing from these thrones, a symbol of rebirth, the cycle and metamorphosis: the power of nature and our role in its evolution. This project was participatory, inviting and bringing together more than 10,000 people to discover the creative process, and to reflect on their place and their relationship with others and with our beautiful planet.

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